September’s What Is It was sent to us by Cheryl Miller of Fort Collins. Here is the note she sent with these pictures:
“I purchased the item above from the Brass Armadillo a decade or two ago just because I liked the looks of it. I have no clue what it is. It appears to be made of ivory and has the months of the year on the outside border and cribbage-like pegs all around the outside. The other decorations include the suits of playing cards — the heart, club, spade and diamond: which both lead me to believe that it would be both a game or calendar. The decorative inside has holes (for marbles or something?) and there is an inscription which reads: To my daughter — Queenie Audrey — Love, Henry W. Sadler, 25 September 32.
What a treasure you have, Cheryl! None of our readers were able to identify the object. We think you already have it figured it out, though. The cribbage board makes sense and even a place for marbles seems possible. Regardless, this is a piece of art. It has taken the utilitarian cribbage board to a new level. There are other round versions, often hand-made, like this one. Most are utilitarian and a boring rectangular shape. If we understand the art of scrimshaw this is along those lines.
The primary importance of this board is that it is meant to show the love of a father for his daughter. That alone defines it. I hope it has always given you a feeling of love and good luck.
Are you looking to try out a classic card game that’s tons of fun for all ages? Cribbage is the perfect choice when you want a quick game to play with a friend. It’s simple: just race your pegs around the board by playing cards and earning points, and cross the finish line before your opponent to win. Play with 2 players using a cribbage board with pegs and a standard 52-card deck.
Take turns playing cards from your hand and adding the card values for the round. Score if you play a card that makes the total 15 or 31. Score points by having cards that total 15, making pairs or flushes, and creating runs of sequential cards. Move your pegs around the board to track your score. Win the game by being the first player to reach 121 points. Place pegs in the starting positions on a cribbage board. Play cribbage with 2 players. Find the pegs underneath the board in a small storage slot. Take 2 pegs of the same color and put them at the start of the track so one is in front of the other. Have the other player put their pegs at the start of a different track. Most cribbage boards have 2 or 3 tracks. It doesn’t matter which track you choose as long as both of your pegs are in the same one.
The cribbage board is just a way to visually keep track of the score. If you don’t have a board at home, you can track your score with pen and paper.

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