Hotel de Paris in Georgetown, Colorado will be open weekends only until December 13th when they close for the season. Tours will be at 10 am, 11 am, closed from 12 noon to 1 pm for lunch, then tours at 1 pm, 2 pm, and 3 pm. They have temporarily reduced the adult tour price as the guided tours will be for the 1st floor only.
Face masks and social distancing will be required. Hand sanitizer provided, sanitizing between customers, staff wears masks. Tours size will be limited to 6 persons. Advanced reservations are recommended. Purchase tickets on line at aspx?id=84.
Tour Guides are equipped with microphones, headsets and voice amplifiers to offset face coverings, ambient sound and social distancing.
Available are free virtual tours for the 2nd floor ( .com/view/5xTzN_m Pas4), and for the cellar (https:// com/ view /2dtZ-I9w7la). Be our guest and take a free virtual tour 24/7.
The annual museum shop inventory clearance sale begins Oct. 1 and ends Dec. 14, 25% off.
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