Q. I recently inherited this pretty pink glass cookie jar that belonged to my grandmother. The raised design appears to be a bunch of flowers. It is 5” in diameter and in good shape. There are no makers marks. What can you tell me about age, maker and value?
L.M. Lancaster, PA
A. From your photo you appear to have an example of “Depression Glass.” This once inexpensive glass, made during the Depression in 1929 now can fetch hundreds of dollars depending on colors, patterns and objects. It was once a premium “freebee” in cereal boxes, and sold in dime stores. Pink was the most popular color. Seven major American glass Companies made it. Your cookie jar was made by the Paden City, West Virginia glass Company. The pattern is wild rose. Similar examples can be priced at over $500.
Q. I discovered this unusual old purse at a garage sale. Since I have just begun collecting unusual purses I bought it for $5.00. It appears to be silver mesh and isn’t lined. The condition is good and the frame has an engraved design. It measures about 6” square, not counting the gold color beads dangling on the bottom. What can you tell me about it and if it is worth more than I paid?
B.T. – Lake Worth, FL.

Q. This charming child’s mug has been handed down in our family and now it is mine. I know it is old but nothing about it. There are no identifying marks on the bottom or signatures. Please tell me something about the age and history of childrens’ mugs and if it has any value other than sentimental.
V. L, T. – Peoria, IL.
A. Childrens’ china has a long history dating back to the early 19th century. Popular subjects range from nursery rhymes, fairy tales and the alphabet to “rewards to a good boy.” The most popular were colorful backgrounds and transfer printed subjects. Yours is a rare example made in England in the 1880s by one of the Staffordshire potteries. Their pieces were often unmarked. In a retail setting yours could sell for over $200. Do you have an antique item and need more information? For a personnel reply send a photo, along with history, size and any signatures with a self-addressed, stamped envelope and $25 to Anne Gilbert, 1811 Renaissance Cmns. Blvd, #2319, Boynton Beach, FL 33426.

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