The fair draws booksellers and bibliophiles from throughout the US. Fair organizer Carol Mobley estimates 60 booksellers will be exhibiting this year. In addition to the booksellers, the fair will host two informational sessions. Denver book conservationist Karen Jones will address protection, conservation and restoration of books, and Taylor Kirkpatrick, will host a panel discussion with young collectors.
Book fairs are popular with bibliophiles and browsers alike because booksellers often bring their most interesting and unusual stock to fairs, Mobley said. The fairs also offer an atmosphere where booksellers and bibliophiles can interact – a departure from the anonymity of online book-buying that sellers and buyers alike welcome.

The fair will be open Friday, September 9 from 2 to 7 pm and Saturday, September 10 from 10 am to 5 pm. Admission is $5, which is good for both days.

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