Old Wagon Antique Mall, 10685 Melody Drive in Northglenn, is the first antique mall visitors discover when traveling to Denver from the east and north.
Harold “Hal” Reed is the owner of Old Wagon Antique Mall and he is glad to welcome all who arrive. The Mall has 8,000 square feet and has over 100 dealers to choose from. The booths are full of antiques, collectibles and vintage for a variety of interests. The place is open and inviting.
When Hal decided to buy the Mall in August of 2018 he had a good idea of what he wanted to do with the place. He had a lot of experience in the antique business. Years ago he started at the Collectors’ Corner in the same shopping area where Old Wagon is located. He was there for six years. After that he had his inventory at the Brass Armadillo and numerous antique malls throughout the Denver area. He finally settled at Old Wagon Antique Mall where he had been for seven years before he decided to buy the Mall when the old owner was ready to move on.
Hal, who was born and raised in Thornton and has always lived on the North side of town, feels quite comfortable in Northglenn and wanted to stay in the area. Everyone who considers the Mall a Northglenn landmark is so glad he calls the area home.

At Old Wagon, each dealer does their own discounting. The dealers are encouraged to constantly keep their inventory fresh and to keep their booths uncluttered. This makes the shopping so much easier. You can be assured that you will receive personal attention at Old Wagon.

Some people are a little negative about the antique industry today, but not Hal. “I think antiques are coming back strong. Young people are finding out newer furniture is just not the quality of fine antique furniture. It just doesn’t last,” he said. “You can get quality antiques for a lot less.”
Next time you’re in the Northglenn area stop by Old Wagon Antique Mall, you’ll be as impressed as we are. It’s a great Mall. You can call Hal at 303-280-8114 for more information. The Mall is open 10:00 to 5 Mon. thru Fri., Sat. 10:30 to 5, 12 to 4 Sun., Closed Tues.

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