By Sandy Dale
The Wheel of the Year has once again completed a full revolution. We are blessed with a clean new slate for those pesky resolutions. It’s a waste of energy to dwell on the fact that some of us didn’t quite accomplish the resolutions we made last year. Better to begin afresh, I say.
This year, I will address Change in a more positive way…with grace and dignity. Maybe even with enthusiasm. If I can’t muster the enthusiasm, I will face the changes with curiosity and hope for the best. I have to admit that living in my wonderful little town of Florence presents me with many opportunities to test my resolve. The outcome of nearly all the changes here are positive if one is able to step back and allow a little time to gain perspective.
Many changes have happened here in Florence in 2017. A few shops have closed and others have opened, or will be opening soon to take their places. Ito, our great Japanese restaurant, has moved to a bigger, better location (half a block west), and the True Value moved several blocks east to a big new store. I miss being able to walk there, but we are all anxiously waiting to see what will move in to their old space. Florence Antiques, my favorite Dickensian “old curiosity shop”, is moving to a new location one block east and a new shop will be opening in its place. I am practicing my resolution to be enthusiastic, curious, and hopeful. I don’t think I’ll have much difficulty with my resolution. Florence just gets better and better each year.
After many, many years of fund raising and rehab, our historic Rialto theatre will be up and running, opening with a play in February followed by concerts and entertaining events throughout the year.
The Bell Tower Cultural Center is acquiring a new roof and has an impressive array of art exhibitions and concerts to present under it in 2018.
Oh, yes, the other resolution I make every year is to Have An Adventure.
Let me recommend a road trip to Florence. You’ll find an adventure for sure. I and the Merchants of Florence wish you a happy, healthy and abundant New Year.
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