As fall approaches, ‘tis the season of great outdoor events across the country. Florence is no exception. It is the 200 Anniversary of the Santa Fe Trail and the 150th of the platting of Florence by James McCanless. The history of Florence is filled with stories of how entrepreneurs got rich in gold, oil, and the railroad, but it is the traders, merchants,miners, farmers and ranchers that made Florence what it is today.
These pioneers traversed hundreds of miles of prairie and desert to follow a dream of freedom, profitable trade and/or adventure. They left their homes in the east because they believed there was something better “out west.” They fought and/or befriended the Cheyenne, Comanche and Arapahoe already here. Many of us would not be here today if not for those pioneers and pathfinders who settled in southeast Colorado.
Want to find out more about our “colorful” Colorado history? Visit the Florence Pioneer Museum. Check their website for location and times of operation. Help us celebrate our Florence history at these events:
For more information on these events check Facebook or www.finditinflorence.com
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