The humble ashtray may not be so humble. Prices can range into the hundreds of dollars and more for unusual examples. They may not even look like conventional ashtrays, in unusual shapes and materials Ashtrays can be strictly utilitarian or almost an art form. What interests collectors are those made for the many landmark places of business in various cities. Travelers to cities like Paris and Rome brought back ashtrays from famous nightclubs and tourist attractions, as did Americans.

By the 1950s and 60s they had become elegant accessories, often created by such designers as Michael and Frances Higgins. Their innovative glass technique examples can sell for several hundred dollars.
Some early 20th century examples don’t even look like ashtrays. A German floor ashtray of wrought iron was in the form of a Viking ship.
Famous glass houses such as Lalique and Baccarat made ashtrays. Wedgwood created elegant ashtrays in Jasperware. Murano, Venetians glass used a variety of techniques to create art forms.

These days reproductions are mass produced in black plastic and chins.
Another historic New York icon, Sardi’s restaurant, was popular for 75 years with theatre actors and theatre goers. Their ashtrays sell for several hundred dollars.
CLUES: These days, while cigarette smoking is on a downer, collecting ashtrays is on an upper. A collection can be both decorative or utilitarian, depending on how you collect. For instance they can hold cocktails or jewelry or displayed as wall art.
Flea markets and garage sales still offer unappreciated treasures.
PHOTO (1) Wrought iron German arts and crafts floor ashtray. CREDIT: infor@leffersantiques.comPHOTO (2) 1940s Stork Club ashtray. CREDIT: Private collector PHOTO (3) Higgins 1950s-60s limited edition ashtray CREDIT: Private collector
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