“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” And in La Cache’s case, that means a new doorway and new spatial configuration for this well-loved consignment shop. Pivoting successfully after two different closures in 2020 due to Covid-19, La Cache had its Grand Reopening — in grand style!— on May 14, 2021.
From the kernel of a idea by Lenore Stoddart in 1982 – helping people with estate sales find more buyers and also benefit Children’s Hospital – La Cache has grown in reputation and loyal following. And now, by lucky circumstance, it has grown in size as well. Nearly 2,000 square feet to be exact.
“Covid-19 gave us the rare chance to expand and refresh our shop, something which would have been almost impossible under normal circumstances,” said Janelle Mabie, one of the key volunteers leading the renovation. “It is a game changer, and we are sure our customers will enjoy our wider, brighter spaces.”
The former “404 Annex,” which required shoppers to exit and return to the main shop, has now been moved into contiguous retail space and rebranded the “Blue Rooms.” That is where RDF (Red Door Fund) donated goods will be housed. It is also where La Cache’s ever-popular RDF half-price clearance sales will take place on a periodic basis. Undaunted by the construction process and the difficulty in obtaining permits during a pandemic, plans proceeded quickly after the shop’s second closure in November. A long-time member of La Cache’s 75+ volunteer corps, Anne Coughlin stepped up with her expertise in interior design/ space planning and coordinated all demolition, painting, carpet installation and finish carpentry.
“A doorway connecting our old space with the new had to be created and reinforced with a steel I-beam. Once completed, we could begin unloading our many, many boxes of safely stored merchandise,” said Couglin. “Thanks to our fantastic volunteers, that was accomplished quickly and artfully.”
La Cache is legendary for its high-end consigned items featuring fine china, crystal, sterling, jewelry, art glass, small rugs, framed artwork and furniture. Consignments will again be received starting in June – by appointment only. As a result of its 39-year history, Lenore’s little idea has grown to over $5.2 million donated to Children’s Hospital Colorado in support of its critical programs and services. And now Lenore’s legacy enters its next and newest generation of giving.

La Cache is located at 400 N. Downing St, Denver. Sales hours are Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Telephone 303-871-9605.
1. Festive balloons, a nod to Children’s Hospital’s iconic logo, greeted shoppers throughout the store.
2. A trio of La Cache volunteers, (l. to r.) Janelle Mabie, Anne Coughlin and Kim Moore, celebrated the Grand Reopening on May 14.
3. “Breaking some eggs!” From old brick wall to new passageway.
4. The first 39 to enter the shop were treated to CHC gift bags commemorating the shop’s 39-year history. Tracey Greider (right) of Fountaintown, IN, and her sister Toni Smith of Aurora, CO, were happy customers #1 and #2.

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