It’s amazing how well we’ve been received by the community and the town. The customers all love our remodel and love the flow and cleanliness of the shop. We carry such unique items and our merchandise changes every 90 days so there is always new items to see. Plus having the consignment model we never know what is going to walk through the door. Every day is exciting.
How do you get your furniture?
Well, we’re a consignment shop so people from all over Colorado contact us to bring in their items. Many people are moving, downsizing or just don’t have room for all the furniture and home décor they have. What better way to repurpose used items than to consign them. This way another family will treasure the same items they’ve treasured for years.
How many consignors do you have?

What are some of the more unusual items you’ve received?
You never know what is going to come in. Among other unusual items we’ve received cabinets from hardware stores in the late 1790s, early 1800’s cash registers, a Sears & Roebuck caponizer kit (google it!), and oddly enough an actual iron ball & chain. Just what every married couple needs.
What about Castle Pines Motel, how is that going now that the remodel is complete?
The motel is getting great reviews! We have visitors from around the world, folks coming into town for weddings, graduations and ones just touring the U.S. and passing by. It’s very exciting to meet all these people. Our rooms are beautiful. Some with antiques and all have free wi-fi, HBO and 32” TVs. All in all it’s the best motel in Castle Rock!

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