I have to say that when they told me it was my turn to write the blog thingy for the Florence page in the Mountain States Collector, I was at a loss for words. Not at all like me. Anyone who knows me here in Florence will tell you I suffer from severe verbosity. But what was I going to write? Way too much has already been said about the pandemic. I just didn’t want to go there. I wanted to tell folks which stores and restaurants would be open, but I don’t know for sure and by the time you read this, things could be different…
So, I decided to tell you about a feeling I had this morning while out raking and cleaning up my little park/yard beside my studio on Main street. I was talking to the robins that were following along behind me, picking up the fresh, unearthed worms. (Yes, I probably have been self-quarantined too long. But, then again, I have always talked to the birds.) The morning was spectacularly beautiful (as they always are in late April in Florence). I was commenting on this when a huge flock of honking Canadian geese flew northward above me. Now, of course, this is not unusual, but to me, at this time, it was spellbinding and magnificent. They were returning to their summer pond home just down the road…just as my robins and my finches had returned. Then I noticed all the dandelions that had returned and had been hiding under the leaves and mulch. I was even thrilled to see their sunny yellow heads. I have always loved nature, but have I truly appreciated her cycle of seasons? The going away and… the coming back.
As I put the leaves and sticks into trash bags, I noticed the sound of people laughing. Across the street, they were painting the doorway and preparing to reopen one of our neighborhood bars on Friday. My next door neighbor at Critter Creations has begun to groom dogs again. (Taking all the necessary precautions, of course.) Life is returning to our wonderful little town. There is an unusual amount of traffic this morning — a lot of honking and waving. We have always been a friendly town, but now I think we all know what “friendly” means. Everyone out walking shouts a “howdy” because you can’t see a smile behind our masks.

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