Once I got started making my list of 10 things for which to be thankful, it was hard to stop and I definitely wasn’t going to prioritize them. So here’s the list…not necessarily in order of importance.
1. Honking Geese. Flying in perfect “V” formation and honking like an old Model T, they reminded me of the incredible gifts bestowed by Mother Nature (and of what my subject should be for this November, or any day, for that matter).
2. Intermittent warm, sunny days. The “Indian Summer” days between the cold, frosty, sleety days of November give us a little extra time to finish up the yard work we neglected in “all-too-beautiful” October.
3. The Pour House and The Aspen Leaf. My favorite coffee houses just down the street provide a super place to meet and greet my friends and neighbors or escape from my projects and enjoy tasty treats, good coffee, and friends passing by.
4. My Projects. Though sometimes overwhelming, I am so very grateful for the many odd chairs and little tables that I find in our antique, consignment, and thrift stores. It keeps me somewhat sane to paint them up and find them homes.
5. Decorating for the Holidays. As I finally take the Halloween witch out of the window of my studio, I wonder what a Thanksgiving witch or, better yet, a Yuletide witch might look like.
6. Spices. I don’t know why I don’t think of these spices any other time of the year. There’s cinnamon, and yes, pumpkin spice. And peppermint as in ice cream. And hot chocolate with a dash of Bailey’s or Peppermint schnapps…
7. Friends and Neighbors. We all get friendlier and more neighborly at this time of year.
8. My Neighbor’s 25+ pound Cat. Benny is a huge marmalade colored cat who thinks he belongs to me…or maybe he just pretends he is mine to make me feel loved. I truly enjoy his cat energy when he comes to visit most mornings.
9. The Bell Tower Cultural Art Center. This beautiful church-turned-art center has provided entertainment and purpose for me and many other folks. Operated solely by volunteers, it offers classes, concerts, lectures, art exhibits and much more.
10. Florence. Over the last few years, I have expounded often about this little town – the shops, the food, the art, but it is the people and the small town kindness for which I am truly thankful.
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