Turkey Trivia

1. What is the weight of the heaviest dressed turkey recorded in 1989 (in pounds)? a) 65, b) 86, c) 95, d) 71
2. In 1941, which president signed the bill establishing the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day? a) Franklin D. Roosevelt, b) Herbert C. Hoover, c) Harry S. Truman, d) Calvin Coolidge
3. About how many pounds of turkey does the average person in the U.S consume? a) 35, b) 12, c) 25, d) 18. 4. Every year the U.S. President pardons a turkey. Where does the turkey live for the remainder of its life? a) Washington, D.C., b) Herndon, Virginia, c) Houston, Texas, d) Springfield, Illinois
5. Where is a turkey’s “wattle” located? a) fleshy growth on forehead b) fleshy growth under the throat, c) fleshy part on its feet, d) growth on top of head
6. How many days does it take a turkey egg to hatch? a) 28, b) 16, c) 45, d) 32
7. About how many turkeys are eaten at Thanksgiving? a) 8 million, b) 75 million, c) 45 million, d) 25 million
Answers: 1-b; 2-a; 3-d; 4-b; 5-b; 6-a; 7-c.

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