The spring edition of the ever-popular Denver Postcard & Paper Show will be at the same venue on Friday and Saturday.
This year there will be 400 available frames of world class exhibits from the convening societies and the participants in the AAPE-sponsored George Brett Cup Competition. This competition is for the best exhibit of 20th Century US material, sponsored by American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors. Another special event is the annual silent auction by the Rocky Mountain Philatelic Library, featuring over 800 lots of fine philatelic material.
The Stamp Show theme for 2024 is Celebrating the Native Plants of Colorado. Special guest societies present will be the Colorado Native Plant Society and the Colorado Cactus & Succulent Society.
Philatelic guest societies include the American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors, APS Writers, Unit #30, Colorado Postal History Society, International Society for Portuguese Philately and United States Postal Stationary Society. All the philatelic societies will host seminars and/or video presentations.
Additionally, they will have their popular “What’s In Your Attic? booth where you can learn about an inherited accumulation or rekindle your interest in long-neglected collections. The CYPHER Stamp Club (Colorado Young Philatelic Explorers and Researchers) will have youth activities, including Stamp Collecting Merit Badge classes, scheduled throughout the show.
For more information, please visit the Show website www.rockymountainstampshow.com or www. denverpostcardshow.com.
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