Seattle, WA —Are you a fan fancier? If so, you should check out this year’s Fan Association of North America (FANA) 38th annual meeting that convenes in Seattle, WA, on May 27-30, 2020. FANA members will gather to view and learn about all types of fans–floral, historic, novelty, stylish and more. Join FANA and participate in this 3-day, jam-packed fan-focused gathering.
Meeting organizer and Seattle-area resident Shelly Lane says, “our educational agenda will delight fan enthusiasts with numerous fan-viewing opportunities.” FANA members will take part in several guided field trips including a visit to Seattle’s Museum of History and Industry and the University of Washington Henry Art Gallery. The tours will also include viewing fans from the collection of the Washington State Historical Society, including a special selection of 18th century fans and unusual feather fans. These museum visits are especially exciting because their fans are rarely on public display due to their fragility.

A favorite FANA meeting tradition is the members’ fan sale that offers extraordinary antique fans along with other fans—advertising, trick, 19th century, novelty, fashion, ethnic, doll, etc.–in all price ranges. A fun charity fan auction to benefit FANA’s grant program is another opportunity to add to one’s collection. “FANA members are always delighted to find that ‘special fan’ (or two or three) that they have always wanted,” said FANA’s Vice President, Sarah Sandford-Miller. The meeting will culminate with a gala banquet where members are encouraged to bring their favorite fan for the theme of spring flowers.

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