We all can’t wait for things to get “back” to normal, right? By now, some of us can’t remember what “normal” was and some of us are pretty sure we aren’t going “back” (and maybe shouldn’t). Whatever happens, there are a few things we have learned from this tumultuous time. We’ve heard all we need to hear and see about the bad stuff, but there are some pretty important good things in my opinion. Here they are:
1. We’ve learned how much we love our families and friends. Some of us have rediscovered our children.
2. We’ve learned who we miss and who we don’t.
3. We’ve learned the difference between what we need, what we want, and what we can and need to change. (Very surprising in some cases who and what we need.)
4. We’ve learned how much we love our favorite coffee shops and restaurants and shops.
5. We’ve noticed how creative and resourceful we can be.
6. We’ve rediscovered what “slowing down” means. 7. We’ve learned that, if we really wanted to, we could reverse global warming.
8. We’ve discovered or rediscovered gardening and cooking. How many of us actually baked bread (or made an attempt) that had no unpronounceable ingredients in it? We’ve all taken more walks lately and seen what nice things our neighbors have done to their yards.
9. Some folks have said that America is cleaner than it’s ever been. We’ve even cleaned out our closets and our basements.
10. We’ve enjoyed up-close-and-personal concerts by our favorite musicians in their private homes. We’ve been able to hear live (sort of) original songs before they are “produced” with all the fancy equipment. We’ve been able to enjoy virtual art shows, seeing fantastic new art pieces and we’ve even learned new art techniques ourselves.
I could go on, but you get the idea. So you see, it isn’t all bad. We are all trying to figure out what the New Normal is and will be and we may all be suffering from a subconscious stress level that makes us cranky and short tempered. Let me suggest a temporary cure…a day trip to Florence. I say temporary because it would be best for you to do this once a month or so. When you venture out to Florence, you will notice several new shops and restaurants. (All practice social distancing and suggest masks, of course.) Brave new entrepreneurs purvey great new and old stuff. Come treasure hunt in Florence. Remember —Please don’t come if you’re sick, wear a mask, and wash your hands. Yes, that is part of the New Normal. Not so bad, if it means we can visit our favorite coffee shops, restaurants, and the best antique stores in Colorado.
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